I screwed up at my SIA interview on Friday..
Kinda paiseh to say..
But yes..
I was ousted at the first round..
My group was kinda strong..
All ang moh damn power..
I was alright even before i went into the room..
But i went all jittery when it was my turn to introduce myself and answer their question..
The qn: What do you think is the most important aspect in customer service?
All our answers were like the same..
But the 2 that got selected..
They told stories and they got in..
It wasn't that hard actually but i guess if i had more confidence and be able to express myself properly..
It shouldn't have been a problem..
While waiting for my turn..
I looked around..
Tried to smile at the other girls waiting..
But they seem...Unfriendly..
And that's it...
Huiwen is asking if i want to try Silkair..But that's like next year?
Maybe i could consder other airlines...
But i guess my boy would be damn happy if i have up this choice for good..
Colleagues are asking me to keep trying..
Especially my manager who is an Ex-SIA girl herself..
"Keep trying no matter what.."
Sounds easy huh..But needs alot of courage leh dey...
Perhaps at the end of the day...
Tgis is just not my cup of tea..
Since it was never my dream nor my ambition... :)
It's tuesday and it's been a week and a day after she left this world...
Her news came out so big in the papers and yet we never saw it..
I didn't even know till Yuxin called me in the middle of the night on Thursday..
She passed away...Horribly..
That is seriously like no way a girl like her should pass on..
I remember the time when i first saw her in secondary school years ago..
She was that very very innocent little girl..
And she grew up fast..
And now...
This has to happen..
I was never close to her..
But we talked...
She's a friend to me..
I was stuned when i heard about her death..
But we have to accept it..
I wonder how her family is coping...
Supposed to go with Yuxin to madai to pay my respects..
But i had chalet the nite before..
But tt's an excuse..
I simply can't bring myself to go there..
Don't know why..
I just never liked to attend such things..
Rest in Peace girl..
Elizabeth Yau
27th October 2008....

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