Blardy Hell...
The stupid woman gave me the red card..
Just because she assumed i can't be able to brig in sales for her...
Don't judge people lidat can..
just because i'm quiet doesn't mean i can't work..
Never mind..
It's your loss...
Shall help out my manager to manage the counter stuff instead...
Earn lesser but i think i'd be happier..
And i get at least a day to rest.....
Facing my smiley customers is better than facing that old hag..
Yea...i sound bad...
No...I AM BAD..
But i'm just speaking from my heart...
I knew there'd be trouble the moment i saw her..
Sorry for giving Ken the trouble to find another few girls to that picky woman...
She changed not just me..
But another too..
Out of 4..
Sha changed half..
And the event is like a few days away??
Crazy woman..
Don't care...
Don't remind me of school can....
Results are out and the new Time table is out...
Ow.....I just HATE school..Duh...
Introducing my last 4 modules of my polytechnic life..
Excluding FYP 2 that is...
Talking about FYP...I got a C for FYP 1...
I expected a D can...
Shan't talk about it already....
Just be glad that i passed...
Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma Class.... E44E...

Supply chain Management Class.....E44E.....

Retail Logistics Class....E44B...

Pharmacuetical and Bio-Chem Supply Chain Class...E44E....
Pathetic can....16 people only...Kaox....
I so need to sleep can...
Oh yeah..
I've got a blazer for my uniform..
At least i look smarter..
Though Baby laughed at me when he saw me wearing it just now on my way home..
But i know..
I looked good in that...
Nuff said....
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