I'm suppose to be sleeping at this time...
Cox i've got work tml...
Nothng much to update about...
The nite at Phuture was....
Shouldn't have gone...
Just talking bout my "experience" after that was bad enough..
Cannot get a cab AT ALL...
All these people (majority guys somemore) seeing one pathetic girl standing at the road side trying to flag a cab..
And what did they do?
They snatched my cab....$##%$#^%$
Where the hell did all the gentlemen go??!!
I guess i was right about guys...
The good guys are all dead...
It was 5+ goig on 6 in the morning
And i was freaking sleepy plus hungry and i can't get a freaking cab to go home..
And heaven has to add on to my miseries at this point of time..
Why does he have to rain of all times..
I looked like some crazy women walking back to the bus stop after getting all those mosquitoe bites andwith all the rain giving me a free shower...
I really felt like SHIT...
shouldn't have gone
I swear i'd never go on a public holiday ever...
Unless there's someone with private transport...
Reached home at 7+..
Didn't even manage to sleep a lot and this someone hs to call and ask me a stupid question..
Who's ths person isn't important though..
Seriously it isn't my day these 2 days..
I pulled myself to school today
Just like a walking zombie...
Cannot think straight and cannot even absorb what the problem statement was talking about...
Thank you uncle Yong Hao Ren for telling me what to do and summarizing for me..
Though i bully u quite alot but u got back at me by suaning me already..
And u know i love you...*winks*like what u always said.........
To thank you...
I should post up a better looking picture of you to show ur hamsom face...

you ad ur so-called killer smile..
But i doubt u'd see it anyway...
Should be sleeping already..
Don't want to risk allowing u another chance to say i look horrible..
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