I tried to edit this stupid blog's template..
A piece of cake to you,but a big prob to me..
I'm an IT idiot.. for goodness sake..
Would be "working tml"..
Or rather later..
Going back to the office do some sai gang make some money and aftert that...
Go back to Taka (SURPRISIGLY) to work..
Work is too nice a word to use..
Should i clean people's buttock again?
Shall be starting work at SugarBaby next month..
YES...I'm gonn sell cosmetices and YES it's IRONIC...
In what way?
1. I know Nuts about makeup..
2. I do not know how to put on proper make up...
3. I'm going to SELL makeup...
Makes sense?
I hope so..
Should be going to MOS this saturday..
Tertiry students enter FREE..
Before 11pm that is..
Huiwen thought i'm going clubbing siao..
I'm not,alrite...
I've spent like 80% of my holis at home..
Working and playing games and not to mention glue myself to the TV set..
And schools gonna start pretty soon..
SO...I had better get some night life before i go back to my no life...
I didn't go that much anyway..
And seriously..
Didn't like the idea of having dicks rubbing against my butt..
I can't dance and i can't drink..
What for i go?
Good question..
And u already have the answer...
And hopefully miss star isn't going to stick to her PT too much..
Frens are more impt or ur PT more impt?
And don't go overboard..
u still have ur FT overseas thinking of u..
What a world it has became..
People not contented with having one beau...
And looking for another as a spare tyre..
I doubt i could ever do that..
I'm a good girl.. *SMILES..
Don't laugh ar..
It's true and you know it...
Wonder if i could get up on time for work tomorrow....
Shit need to bring my lappy along..
Ouh...And the pup is damn cute!!!!!

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