They enjoy circulatng private pictures if ppl around huh..
I wonder if they're pervertic...
And have they any brins?
What if the photos that have been circulated is they themselves?!
The recent Edison Scadal is all on the net now..
But human are curious creatures though..
and this..
i understand..
But what right do they have to humilate these they are celebs..
And even if those photos are real..
So wad?
Wht's the big del?!
They like to have such photos taken, it's their privacy..
And people who saw them and leaked them out..
That's called invading of one's privacy..
But since the photos are all over, let's see the "mind-map" they had on the net...

And yes, i saw the pictures...
The uncensored ones that is..

One of the less "messy" pics tt i could post whic isn't really against my moral values..
Bobo chan and Edison Chen..
The rest..
Look them up ur selveson the net..
And don't bother asking me fot eh links cox i've deleted them...
And NO i haven't look for them myself..
Look wad u've done to the girls Edison...
And girls...
Just admit if u were the one in the pictures....
Admittingis better than hiding....
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