Looking back...
26th Feb 2007...
Sentosa "Class" Outing
That WAS so pathetic...
The class was already small enough with only 22 students and this so called clas outing is made up of only 9 of us plus someone's girlfriend...Call this a class outing...No doubt it was since we are all classmates except for one....Whom coincidently is an ex-secondary school mate who was from the class next door and now...Also my school mate next door in poly plus...My classmate is her boyfriend...Cool huh...BUT...Makes no dif for me...Shall upload the pics again..But only a few of them..Oh...And take note of the pic with Reuben..He looked like he was possessed or something...

27th Feb 2007
My 3rd brother and his wife flying off to Australia...
I admit...I CRIED in the airport...But i couldn't help it...A brother for the past 19 years.Didn't felt like crying till he huged me..Imagine...A brother who always put a stern face in frint of his sister in her younger years but only to become more "ci xiang" in her teenage years..Erm..Ha ha...But he is still my brother...RIGHT??Haha..Saw my mum's eyes go red and thought she would cry..Turn out she didn't shed a tear but i cried...
1st and 2nd march 2007...
Went back to school for the Symposium thingy...Seriously it's pretty tiring...1st march went back and went through 3 short meetings and was quite boring...but the 2nd was...erm...really tiring...woke up at 6 in the morning and had to reach school by 7.15 that day...DEPRIVED of SLEEP!!! had to pack the RP bears into open-house like paper bag goodiebags..and then had to file in the certs for the delegates and had to pack a number of things...that day i really shack...
3rd and 4th march
Which is yesterday and today,....Went over to my 3rd brother's house to clean it before us moving into it....The house was...how to describe...worse then a pig sty?can i say that?It's really...one word...DIRTY! oh my god...me and my mum were like..erm...how are we going to spend the night n the pig sty..but we still did...with not much of sleep of course....am really tired now...spent 2 days cleaning every single corner of the house...and i told my mum....We just came back from a very tiring holiday...
To make matters much worse...I am working tomorrow..
A little reminder to myself of my schedule...
5/3->Working at Taka from 12 to dono what time, depending on the situation and i may get to leave early but i doubt so with jennifer around...She is bound to leave early and forgt about what she said..And did i mention we are having stock take tml???
6/3->Internationl PBL Symposium Day zero...to reach school at 11.30am...Ends dono what time...
7/3->Internationl PBL Symposium Day One...To reach school at 7.15am...Registration counter at TRCC...Shall take over secretariat roles from donpo what time....Ends areounf 5plus...
8/3->Internationl PBL Symposium Day Two...Same as yesterday....Not too sure what time evrything ends...
9/3->Internationl PBL Symposium Day Three...Same reporting time at 7.15am and being the last day..hope everything will end early...
10/3->should be and off day for me...hopefully
11/3->Northwest CDC BMW Challenge...Report to my school at 7.00 am...Funny huh....Dono how did my own school get involved...
12/3 to 16/3-> Working at Raffles Place Mrt...Covering for Wendy...CBD area..and normaly knocks off at 8pm for nite shift!YEAH!
That's all for now..Tiring and packed schedule...
Too packed to date huh....But apparetly the other party don't even bother when i was so free..it's better since i have excuses to be busy...I'm simply just tired of it...Won't bother anymore...It no longer holds an important place in my life or in my heart...Don't ask why..Just don't wish to talk about it anymore...I'm okay with this schedule though i admit that it's tiring and i do keep moaning about it...but isn't it much better than me being so free and keep thinking about things that i should never tought about?I just want a normal life....A normal life that includes a normal dating life.....
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