Sunday, July 29, 2007
After the rain passes, everything would be the same as before...
I just ant to be happy..
But why can't i?
Am all alone at home now...
I wonder where i can go al alone..
Thought of going to east coast alone..
But had been raining the whole day..
And it's sunday..
Will have a lot of ppl...
Guess i could only watch tv at home...
I'm so bored...
Friday, July 27, 2007
Like kana sai...
2 questions...
Both are from the lot sizing topic...
Stupid concept they have...
Put the download file icon there but end up none of us could open up...
Went straight to work after UT..
Poor me..
Had a loaf of garlic bread for dinner..
Can u believe it..
I finish the whole bagutte all by myself without a sip of water..
After my "dinner" and submitting my RJ...
Went back to my counter and Tiffany said there's this promoter who looks like me..
And i like walk past her..
I don't quite agree that we look alike until....

SEE!Look alike don't we?!
Same age as me..Just ard 7mths younger that's all..
Went home and ask my parents bout it...
showed my mum and she was like..
Can i say shocked?!
Now i'm thinking...
Did my younger sister, unknown to us...
Somehow got to another's womb and thus we didn't come out from the same mother at the same time?!
Ha ha...
Perhaps we were sister's in our past lives who perished together and reincarnate in this life..
And destinied to meet again..
Nuf of my nonsense...
No matter how much i crap...
I'm still not happy....
As for the pictures of the match the other day..
I'm pretty lazy to upload the whole chunk..
but i can upload a few for sure...

Ngee Ann VS Republic...
Well..apparrently RP won..and think they are not very happy about it..
Te girls won to NP..But the guys lost to them..
The match yesterday, RP won agin...
The girls...Won..71-64...
Didn't go to school today..
Didn't want to and also..really tired..
Sick of tt module and since i have ponten yet...
Might as well..
Affairs of the heart...
As usual...ENTANGLED...
My primary school mates met up on 21st and i couldn't join them...
Was like so sad..
Saw their pictures from their profiles and realised how much they have changed, except for a few who are pretty much the sam old perso...
Hope i could meet up with them one day..
Delia planning for a chalet during our holidays..
I hope i could joi in this time..
My yr sem1 classmates had planned one and i couldn't make it cox i was leaving for Korea the next day on the second day of the chalet...
And as for my yr1 sem2 classmates...
Well..Apparently, the chalet we had talked about turned out to be a trip to Sentosa..
A whole day of beach-ing around...
And it was near new year at that time..
I remember the whole lot of us eating YuSheng...
That's it i guess...
So hungry..
Stomach been growling since last nite...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
i need a new life....
The POL-ITE games held in school...RP Vs NP..
And well...RP won..
I took a couple of fotos and video yst..
Wanted to post the today ut..
Simply don't ave the mood to edit them and post them...
Maybe i'll do it when my mood is better..
Don't ask me why my mood is't good..
I'm not sure myself either...
Was working today..
Late for work...
1 hour late..
But don't bother..
My boss is out of town and i'm the last to know about it..
Shld continue working for my other boss till 6pm..
Too bad...He's having a meeting with his bosses..
And asked me to work till 3om...Which is like only an hour..
But turn out i left at 2.30pm after they moved the meeting time forward by half n hour...
Wanted to meet someone cox i thought it was too early to go home..
Since even if i go home i hve nothing to do..
No television cos the kids are watching and i can't snatch the remote control from them but they can do vice versa...
Rather than facing the four walls at home and after that someone said tt "IT" has soemthing to do...
I decided to go to Vivo..
Didn't want to look for anyone else to come out..
Even if i want to..Id on't know who to call..
So..All alone..
Went to vivo..
Couldn't find my way up to the roof top to watch the ships.. choice...Can only walk around..
How i wish i could go onboard a ship for one last time..
Listeing to the sea waves at night as i sleep...
Enjoying the sunrise and sunset with the beatiful sea for company..
But anyway..
I didn't stay for long..
My mood has gone from bad to worse..
I even had stares from people..
I don't see anything wrong with having my emotions written all over my face..
That's what i am...
I can't do anything..
The guys the guys..
Think i should really just not think about anything after all...
I know nothing will come out of either of those 2...
No matter how much i wish that at least one could turn out to be something good...
Apparently..i'm quite sick of this kind of life..
The guessng game..
It might be good if i could learn to play around freely without having to include my feelings..
But i know...
I can't..
I'm not cut out to be in the game..
Some people may think i'm just desperate...but get this clear..
I am NOT desperate..
I just need someone who could give me extra care..
Exra attention..
And extra love..
That's all that i ask for..
But apparently..
The whichever god who is in charge of such things do not favour me..
After having those few horrible experiences, the good one is stil no where to be seen..
Everything seems to be wrong..
Totally wrong..
And it doesn't help when my laptop is giving me a whole lot of problems...
i need a new life....
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone (Official Video)
I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cried
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side
When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it ok
I miss you
Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry
Da Da Da Da
The smell of your skin lingers on me now
Your probably on your flight back to your home town
I need some shelter of my own protection baby
To be with myself instead of calamity
Peace, Serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, Myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But Ive got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
The path that I'm walking
I must go alone
I must take the baby steps until I'm full grown
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to with you
It's personal, Myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
Ill be your best friend and you'll be mine
Yes you can hold my hand if u want to
Cause I want to hold yours too
Well be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But its time for me to go home
Its getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself instead of calamity
Peace, Serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, Myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
La Da Da Da Da Da
Monday, July 16, 2007
Peixuan and me went over to Hallmark and li siao Esther..
View the pics...

CUTE isn't she!Ha ha!
Both pictures are my masterpiece!
I clipped her hair!ha hahahahahahaha
She's gonna hate me for this~
Seriously don't know what's got into me lately...
Remebered telling myself not to think about relationship thingys for the time being..
But apparently...
I CAN'T!!!
HE's been missing for the past 2 days...
Not n sms from him...
While HIM, the same old cock-talker...
I told him that i don't know when to believe him and when not..
He promised to not do it again though, as in not to 口是心非, but i wonder if he could do it...
Just to justify anyone's mind who thinks that
"she's thinking too highly of herself to be squeezed between 2 guys..."
PLS!For goodness sake...
I know i'm no princess but that doesn't mean i cannot choose between few or rather in my case...
2 guys..
What's more..
I'm not even choosing them...
No one know's for sure their feelings but i do feel wierd..
None hd declared their feelings though...
I'm no bitch...
though i do feel like one sometimes...
Had one night of peace when my phone totally didn't ring the whole day the day before...
Yet wierd..
Perhaps already used to my phone ringng continuously...
Kind use to seeing both names filling up my inbox..
Am stoning in school...
kinda stuck actully...Stupid stuff...
Hypothesis testing..
Null hypothesis...
Alternative hypothesis...
testing statistic...
I wanna go on a holiday!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Take that-Back for good
The guuys when they were younger...Ooo..I love this song!hee!~Lead singer looks more yan dao when he was younger huh~ha ha!
Pretty tired these days...
3 consecutive days...
Middle of the nite kena *vibrated* ...
By him..
Won't deny a little hao gan towards him..
Izit necessary to sms in the middle of the nite telling me tt he knock off already.
Dono wad is he thinkng about...
don wish to think too much lest i misinterpret again...
He suddenly contact me again today saying that he did sms me and call me but i never reply or on my phone...
Now he knows how i use to feel for the past few yers eh..
An eye for an eye...
tired tired tired...
ppl de prob i have to get involved...
somemore is relationship problems..
which has like ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do with me..
I thank them for trusting my *ears* but it's a little too much ler..
Even though that's the only thing i could do for them...
Refuse to take any call today...
Really tired ler..
Went to school and never do anything..
My team of 4 today, only 2 of us turned up and we have to split up...
I'm really tired..................................................
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Min min Birthday~07/07/2007
Went VIVO~
Then after that went to St. James for drink~
Kinda crazy that night~
Ha ha~The Pics...
Shall upload more when i receive more~ha ha ha
So honoured!


Friday, July 06, 2007
Down with flu already plus the sore throat..
Seriously feel like dying...
Perhaps i was right to stop taking the initiative..
Perhaps this could be the best way..
Or perhaps...
I shouldn't even have SMSed him in the first place..
I should have learnt to not fall for someone so easily~
Don't think about all those stupid things anymore..
They are NOT important!
1.Finish my PP report and hand up and get it done by end of the year!
2.Complete my studies...Get the diploma!
3.Work while i can to earn more and save more money!
4.Get done with the driving liscense fast!
5.Continue with studies or go for another Diploma!
People might think that i am just saying things which i could not ccomplish~
Seriously i know i won't be able to get done with all..
But i think i shouldn't have a problem getting done with most of them~
As for matters of the heart..
I dono..
Takes things a step at a time?
If i am fated to stay like that all life..
Then so be it~
Jia You...
Thursday, July 05, 2007
5th July 2007
Couldn't wake up on time to go...
Registered myself as a private student of SSDC for basic theory~
Must remember that it espires on 4th Jan 2008~
Hope i can one time pass~
People around me already pass liao~
Musn't lose out~
Friend de problem somehow settled..
Hope she will think it thoroughly~
Hope they would be happy like this forever...
As for myself...
I seriously dono if i should carry on thinking about HIM...
Dono what is he thinking about~
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Today was pretty tiring...
Really tired..
Din even have to mood to work
And a friend have some relationship probs..
Making matters worse...
I know both of them...
What m i to do with them?
Asking them to break up is not a good choice...
Don't wish to see them end up that way either..

Shall wait for ah tong to email us the rest of the photos for ah pian's birtday at ECP on Sunday...
Some pictures we took at Kbox yesterday~
Sang and screm too much and my throat is getting worse..

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Got UT~~~~~~
Seriously don't know what is going on in class today~
Cox i wasn't here last week~
Presntation and i'm blogging~
Wonder if that ah di faci will down grade me~
Boring lesson we had today~~
UT die liao~
I dono anything thogh i haven't even seen the questions~
but i think...凶多吉少~
Throat damn pain~
Dono how to sing later...
Going Kbox with Junli,Ah loong, Caroline and junli de fren whom i dono who~
Cham ar~
Pain Pain
Looking forward to ah min's birthday~
Go out with the crazy girls...
Only with them can i really be my crazy self~
If someone were to ask me who my best friends are~
They are none other than that bunch of siao char bors~
UT UT...Die Die...
Monday, July 02, 2007
Went to est coast park
Bought her a mango cake...
From Taka..
Got ah foong to help me get it~
Cox it's cheaper
Rode the bicycle
With h pian
Scream too much and eat too much chili
Now having a sore throat
Don wish to say much about it
Didnt go to school today
Can't wake up~