The pic is cute isn't it...Saw this on the 190 tht i took to my brother's house yesterday after work...And *SNAP...Took it..Ha ha~Cute isn't it.. :P
Thursday, May 24, 2007
24th May 2007
Seriously don't know what's wrong with me today...Woke up in the morning feeling damn shitty...

The pic is cute isn't it...Saw this on the 190 tht i took to my brother's house yesterday after work...And *SNAP...Took it..Ha ha~Cute isn't it.. :P
The pic is cute isn't it...Saw this on the 190 tht i took to my brother's house yesterday after work...And *SNAP...Took it..Ha ha~Cute isn't it.. :P
Friday, May 18, 2007
May 18th 2007
YEAH!!!I resolved the stupid taskbar problem myself!!!YEAH!!!
Shall leave the link here in case i need it again or someone fced the same prob...
Today damn sian...
Nearly cried in school thanks to the cuckoo equations and the stupid problem....
I relly dono how to do!!!!
I don understand!!!!
Final decision to go to 7-11 to work..My mom is not against it
think it's because it's only downstairs that's why she quite supportive of it
tml got work..
and i'm broke...
Finish up my RJ and go to bed liao...
Shall leave the link here in case i need it again or someone fced the same prob...
Today damn sian...
Nearly cried in school thanks to the cuckoo equations and the stupid problem....
I relly dono how to do!!!!
I don understand!!!!
Final decision to go to 7-11 to work..My mom is not against it
think it's because it's only downstairs that's why she quite supportive of it
tml got work..
and i'm broke...
Finish up my RJ and go to bed liao...
You have always longed for tenderness, love and a sensitivity of feeling into which you would like to blend. You are a very gentle warm person and responsive to 'All things bright and beautiful'. This personifies a caring person, a person who 'needs' and indeed 'needs to be needed'.
You are a leader in every sense of the word. You know where you are going and you know what you need to do in order to get there. You exercise an inherent initiative in overcoming obstacles and difficulties. You either hold, or wish to achieve, a position of authority by means of which full control can be exerted over events.
Matters are not progressing as well as you would have hoped and you are having to make concessions - but you still believe that your goals are realistic it's just that people can't seem to see your point of view. You know what you want but you'll only accept suggestions under duress.
You are holding back. You need to find friends in whom you can trust and once they have proved themselves beyond all possible doubt you will be prepared to give them your all. The existing situation is not of your liking - you have an unsatisfied need for mental stimulation with others whose standards are as high as your own. Trying to control your instincts the way you do restricts your ability to open up to others and the way you feel at this time is suggestive of 'total surrender'. This is not to your liking as you consider such thoughts as weaknesses that need to be overcome. You feel that only by control, controlling your innermost thoughts, are you able to maintain your air of superiority. You want to be admired for yourself alone and not for what you can do or for what you may have done. In essence 'you need to be needed' and at the same time 'you need to need'.
You would like to be respected and valued for yourself and this can only be achieved from within a close and harmonious relationship.
You have always longed for tenderness, love and a sensitivity of feeling into which you would like to blend. You are a very gentle warm person and responsive to 'All things bright and beautiful'. This personifies a caring person, a person who 'needs' and indeed 'needs to be needed'.
You are a leader in every sense of the word. You know where you are going and you know what you need to do in order to get there. You exercise an inherent initiative in overcoming obstacles and difficulties. You either hold, or wish to achieve, a position of authority by means of which full control can be exerted over events.
Matters are not progressing as well as you would have hoped and you are having to make concessions - but you still believe that your goals are realistic it's just that people can't seem to see your point of view. You know what you want but you'll only accept suggestions under duress.
You are holding back. You need to find friends in whom you can trust and once they have proved themselves beyond all possible doubt you will be prepared to give them your all. The existing situation is not of your liking - you have an unsatisfied need for mental stimulation with others whose standards are as high as your own. Trying to control your instincts the way you do restricts your ability to open up to others and the way you feel at this time is suggestive of 'total surrender'. This is not to your liking as you consider such thoughts as weaknesses that need to be overcome. You feel that only by control, controlling your innermost thoughts, are you able to maintain your air of superiority. You want to be admired for yourself alone and not for what you can do or for what you may have done. In essence 'you need to be needed' and at the same time 'you need to need'.
You would like to be respected and valued for yourself and this can only be achieved from within a close and harmonious relationship.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
I so wanna kill myself....I spoiltour beach outing!!!
My bro and his familuy are moving over next saturday and my mum wants me home to help look after the kids...
Am wondering if i should go down to 7-11, the chain downstairs to work part-time....I already hve a permenant job at Taka and is soon starting another one to be a personl assistant for my brother's friend...but only 4 hours for the days which i'm working...the pay is ok however...6 bucks an hour...I have no reason to refuse job offer which came knocking at my door...
This offer practically was thrown to me by my brother, but i had a choice to whether take up or reject...
Should i take up all three?
Maybe i could put the one at taka on hold ony during the holidays...
the 7-11 downstairs can like save me a lot of money need bus when my rother moves over, my mum should be cooking most of the time...Saves my money for food too...
Still owe tong tong money..haiz...
the 2 UTs i think i would fare very badly...
Fail liao fail liao...
Kill myself better la...
My bro and his familuy are moving over next saturday and my mum wants me home to help look after the kids...
Am wondering if i should go down to 7-11, the chain downstairs to work part-time....I already hve a permenant job at Taka and is soon starting another one to be a personl assistant for my brother's friend...but only 4 hours for the days which i'm working...the pay is ok however...6 bucks an hour...I have no reason to refuse job offer which came knocking at my door...
This offer practically was thrown to me by my brother, but i had a choice to whether take up or reject...
Should i take up all three?
Maybe i could put the one at taka on hold ony during the holidays...
the 7-11 downstairs can like save me a lot of money need bus when my rother moves over, my mum should be cooking most of the time...Saves my money for food too...
Still owe tong tong money..haiz...
the 2 UTs i think i would fare very badly...
Fail liao fail liao...
Kill myself better la...
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
15th May 2007...
Think i really should update my blog befroe it goes stale again...
Have been kinda busy these days...
Working i mean
Last day with Elecom on Sunday but instead of Bishan, they threw me to Tampines Courts Megastore...Heng i got bus there if not...I'm dead...
For 2 consecutive nights there while waiting for my bus to go home...GUESS WHAT...
I keep smelling FIRED CHICKEN at the bus stop...
When there's like no food chin around?!
And i had to wait for the stupid bus the first night i waited for more than half an hour...
The second night...I threw my cup of F&N Orange and ran towards the dumb dumb bus...But still missed it...Sat on the chair mcham it's my home..
Meaning i crossed my legs and put my legs up on the chair....
Sat like a buddha...
And the dumb dumb bus driver who happens to be woman, took out the bus number plate nd refuse to take any more passengers nd she chiog like siao...And i was like the last to get off...
I wondered if she nearly forgotten that there's still one last passenger on the bus(ME)
Guess who i saw today while walkig to school?...
Brin lim...
Right now stoning in class trying to figure out what the problem is talking out today and try to form equations...
Linear programming...
Iteger programming..
What the hell lar...
Dono wad to blog liao..
P/S: Ah min..the beach outing must fast fast plan huh..hee...<
Have been kinda busy these days...
Working i mean
Last day with Elecom on Sunday but instead of Bishan, they threw me to Tampines Courts Megastore...Heng i got bus there if not...I'm dead...
For 2 consecutive nights there while waiting for my bus to go home...GUESS WHAT...
I keep smelling FIRED CHICKEN at the bus stop...
When there's like no food chin around?!
And i had to wait for the stupid bus the first night i waited for more than half an hour...
The second night...I threw my cup of F&N Orange and ran towards the dumb dumb bus...But still missed it...Sat on the chair mcham it's my home..
Meaning i crossed my legs and put my legs up on the chair....
Sat like a buddha...
And the dumb dumb bus driver who happens to be woman, took out the bus number plate nd refuse to take any more passengers nd she chiog like siao...And i was like the last to get off...
I wondered if she nearly forgotten that there's still one last passenger on the bus(ME)
Guess who i saw today while walkig to school?...
Brin lim...
Right now stoning in class trying to figure out what the problem is talking out today and try to form equations...
Linear programming...
Iteger programming..
What the hell lar...
Dono wad to blog liao..
P/S: Ah min..the beach outing must fast fast plan huh..hee...<
Saturday, May 05, 2007
FRIDAY , 04 MAY 07
Today's problem was about the dono stupid Bayes' Rule...Have to try to apply that idiotic rule to a simple problem we had...Duh...First time in my entire klife i went to the library to borrow a book for my studies...No choice lar...Don't understand...If don't refer to a book i think would die sooner..Scared UT will be like shit!Ha ha... Went out with ah tong, ah min and jie ying after school...Went for dinner at Civic Centre for Thai food..Erm..It's okay lar...Just feel that the kuay tiao that i ordered yesterday was erm from a "high-class" zhu chao..haha...higher class hor fun..ha ha...After that went to Party World with them..haha..first time hear je ying sing..hee~Seriously i think it's not high enough~ha ha..i thought we could be crazier...hardly have chance to go out with them so when get the chance must really enjoy..RIGHT? If not no point going out..haha..Kapo the pictures that ah min took and collaged them...Ah min don't kill me ar..haha..i don't hve the pictures so no choice take from urs..haha..but i had fun screaming and now my throat is hurting..hee...

Work today t Bishan...My colleague damn farney...she say that i make her breathless..haha..wad the...we 2 damn sort the GPS signl never get detected by our systems but got detected by us..haha...BANANAS...WATERMELON...AND PAPAYA!!haha...she knows what i mean..:P
Tml still got work...I'm quiting liao..but i haven tell my 2 weeks only lo..haha...Went to the arcade during break time...went to the basketball machine..i see all guys playing and i'm the only girl aroundd..and think no nid to pts are the highest is like only 36pts and that means that i only threw in 18balls in 1 minute..haha...think that's all le ba..I'M HUNGRY!!!
Today's problem was about the dono stupid Bayes' Rule...Have to try to apply that idiotic rule to a simple problem we had...Duh...First time in my entire klife i went to the library to borrow a book for my studies...No choice lar...Don't understand...If don't refer to a book i think would die sooner..Scared UT will be like shit!Ha ha... Went out with ah tong, ah min and jie ying after school...Went for dinner at Civic Centre for Thai food..Erm..It's okay lar...Just feel that the kuay tiao that i ordered yesterday was erm from a "high-class" zhu chao..haha...higher class hor fun..ha ha...After that went to Party World with them..haha..first time hear je ying sing..hee~Seriously i think it's not high enough~ha ha..i thought we could be crazier...hardly have chance to go out with them so when get the chance must really enjoy..RIGHT? If not no point going out..haha..Kapo the pictures that ah min took and collaged them...Ah min don't kill me ar..haha..i don't hve the pictures so no choice take from urs..haha..but i had fun screaming and now my throat is hurting..hee...

Work today t Bishan...My colleague damn farney...she say that i make her breathless..haha..wad the...we 2 damn sort the GPS signl never get detected by our systems but got detected by us..haha...BANANAS...WATERMELON...AND PAPAYA!!haha...she knows what i mean..:P
Tml still got work...I'm quiting liao..but i haven tell my 2 weeks only lo..haha...Went to the arcade during break time...went to the basketball machine..i see all guys playing and i'm the only girl aroundd..and think no nid to pts are the highest is like only 36pts and that means that i only threw in 18balls in 1 minute..haha...think that's all le ba..I'M HUNGRY!!!
Friday, May 04, 2007
I'm Wierd.....
You Are 60% Weird |
![]() You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right? But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! |
The KEYS to my HEART...
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell. You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. |
You Are Most Like Miranda! |
![]() While you've had your fair share of romance, men don't come first Guys are a distant third to your friends and career. And this independence *is* attractive to some men, in measured doses. Remember that if you imagine the best outcome, it might just happen. Romantic prediction: Someone from your past is waiting to reconnect... But you'll have to think of him differently, if you want things to work. |
You Are Homer Simpson |
![]() You're just an ordinary, all-American working Joe... With a special fondness for pork rinds and donuts. You will be remembered for: your little "isms" and philosophies on life Your life philosophy: "Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals ... except the weasel." |
You Are "Dizzy and Giddy" |
![]() |
Oky...I'm rotting in clss...
You are 67% Aquarius |
![]() |
You'll Find a Boyfriend Within a Year |
![]() Either you're not ready for a relationship... Or you're not quite ready to leave the house You can't meet a guy from your couch So at least consider meeting one from your computer! |
You Are Low Maintenance |
![]() Otherwise known as "too good to be true" You're one laid back chica - and men love that! Just remember that no good guy likes a dormat. So if you find your self going along to get along... Stop yourself and put up a little bit of a fight. |
Guys Like That You're Sensitive |
![]() And not in that "cry at a drop of a hat" sort of way You just get most guys - even if you're not trying to Guys find it is easy to confide in you and tell you their secrets No wonder you tend to get close quickly in relationships! |
Your Lust Quotient: 40% |
![]() You are a fairly lustful person, but nothing out of the norm. You usually keep your lust under control, but sometimes it gets the better of you. |
You Are A Jealous Ex |
![]() You're not quite over your past, and you are hurt that your ex is moving on You're no longer in love, but you're not done with being pissed Jealous of any happiness that comes your ex's way, you still can't let go |
Thursday, May 03, 2007
It's funny sometimes how fate would play around with people...
Wht's the probability of 2 people falling for each other after they met?
And what...Is the probability that these 2 people who successfully fall for each other, able to face each other for the rest of thier lives?
And there's people whom like each other nd refused to say or do anything about it...And after everything is gone, they regret it...
One could betray the person whom love him so much and leave her for another...
If that's not fate...Tell me what is?
There's no right or wrong when it comes to such a thing...
I may be blogging calmly now but deep inside me, i could feel the turmoil going on...
A mixture and old and new problems...
Can i chose to prevent it? I could have...but i chose to face it...
And i gt hurt again and again and again...
Apparently i never gave up but i didn't get anything back in return..
tired of the ways i lead my life..
tired of the waitings..
Now here i am trying to restart everything...
And all i could do was to fall for somebody else's boyfriend...
What the...
The best medicine to cure love?...
Just don't get involved...
Wht's the probability of 2 people falling for each other after they met?
And what...Is the probability that these 2 people who successfully fall for each other, able to face each other for the rest of thier lives?
And there's people whom like each other nd refused to say or do anything about it...And after everything is gone, they regret it...
One could betray the person whom love him so much and leave her for another...
If that's not fate...Tell me what is?
There's no right or wrong when it comes to such a thing...
I may be blogging calmly now but deep inside me, i could feel the turmoil going on...
A mixture and old and new problems...
Can i chose to prevent it? I could have...but i chose to face it...
And i gt hurt again and again and again...
Apparently i never gave up but i didn't get anything back in return..
tired of the ways i lead my life..
tired of the waitings..
Now here i am trying to restart everything...
And all i could do was to fall for somebody else's boyfriend...
What the...
The best medicine to cure love?...
Just don't get involved...
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Wa lao eh...I'm feeling damn sick can??...
After the headache and fever i had last tuesday..
now i'm down with flu and cough..
And i'm like working tml...and sat and sun...and i dono when...i think monday till wed...
geez...can i tahan all these..
read in the papers today that a woman dies from overworking...true enough..."Vitamin M won't cure my health"..
I know that and i'm not trying to neglect my own health..It's just tht i no longer want to keep borrowing from friends or even putting my hand out to him and ask him for money..especially hwen we are no longe an item...It just doesn't make sense that he have to oblige to me...and i still owe him money..can u imagine that..i don't wish to owe him anything but i simply cannot afford to...that's the reason why i'm trying to work more to earn more money...The feeling of being broke is seriously freaking bad...i wan to pay him back but i siply don't have the mens...i'm pretty sure i'll need to ask from him again even if i return...can u imagine that i have never asked for money from my parents but i can ask money from my-past-tense?...i don't feel good and in fact i feel ashamed when i have to ask from him...
I suddenly remember that last friday...I was in the same group as Delia,Raymond and Hao Ren..With Timothy panging seh us...Delia told me to work less and i told her that if she were to support me i'll quit my jobs and to think Hao Ren can answer "我养你啦!"Which means that he'll support me...but i simply brush it off...saying that someone would kill me...i am happy to hear that but erm..hmm...he's like my classmate?and nothing's like inappropriate for him to actually support a classmate whom he knew for only 2 weeks?..And nyway..think he's attached better not blog too much abt this lest someone sees this and tells him or worse his gf abt save my own life...hee...
TODAY...MAYDAY...Poor father and daughter both down with flu and cough stayed at home and my mum is like at my brother's house...duh...2 poor souls stuck at home...watched tv the whole day..nd i have to go to sch tml....for the World Skills International CE Workshop...something which i thought i wouldn't get in...go earn and finish off my points...meeting tong tml to go together...gotta go to bed now..i know it's only 9.34pm..but the medicaation is acting up..better move to my own bed before i end up sleeping in the living room...Ciaoz.....
After the headache and fever i had last tuesday..
now i'm down with flu and cough..
And i'm like working tml...and sat and sun...and i dono when...i think monday till wed...
geez...can i tahan all these..
read in the papers today that a woman dies from overworking...true enough..."Vitamin M won't cure my health"..
I know that and i'm not trying to neglect my own health..It's just tht i no longer want to keep borrowing from friends or even putting my hand out to him and ask him for money..especially hwen we are no longe an item...It just doesn't make sense that he have to oblige to me...and i still owe him money..can u imagine that..i don't wish to owe him anything but i simply cannot afford to...that's the reason why i'm trying to work more to earn more money...The feeling of being broke is seriously freaking bad...i wan to pay him back but i siply don't have the mens...i'm pretty sure i'll need to ask from him again even if i return...can u imagine that i have never asked for money from my parents but i can ask money from my-past-tense?...i don't feel good and in fact i feel ashamed when i have to ask from him...
I suddenly remember that last friday...I was in the same group as Delia,Raymond and Hao Ren..With Timothy panging seh us...Delia told me to work less and i told her that if she were to support me i'll quit my jobs and to think Hao Ren can answer "我养你啦!"Which means that he'll support me...but i simply brush it off...saying that someone would kill me...i am happy to hear that but erm..hmm...he's like my classmate?and nothing's like inappropriate for him to actually support a classmate whom he knew for only 2 weeks?..And nyway..think he's attached better not blog too much abt this lest someone sees this and tells him or worse his gf abt save my own life...hee...
TODAY...MAYDAY...Poor father and daughter both down with flu and cough stayed at home and my mum is like at my brother's house...duh...2 poor souls stuck at home...watched tv the whole day..nd i have to go to sch tml....for the World Skills International CE Workshop...something which i thought i wouldn't get in...go earn and finish off my points...meeting tong tml to go together...gotta go to bed now..i know it's only 9.34pm..but the medicaation is acting up..better move to my own bed before i end up sleeping in the living room...Ciaoz.....
I'm farking sorry for posting this farking post but i have to do it coz i'm farking frustrated these days and can no longer tahan the farking things that i went through~....Strted the farking day waiting for the farking bus only to have it farking full of ppl....den comes another but farking terminating at Bishan...So i walked across the farking bridge and took another farking bus...few stops before i actually alighted...This farking ah soh use her farking handbg nd farking big size vody nd pushed me when i was like allowing another passenger to alight first WHAT THE FARK LAR!!CANNOT WAIT AH??!!!DON LET ME SEE UR FUCKING FACE AGAIN...AND U DON EVEN KNOW HOW TO SAY EXCUSE ME AND U PUSH PPL LIDAT ARH!!!LIEW EH...
I'm farking tired when i inally reach AMK....Only to realise after siting at the bus stop for MORE THAN 30 OVER FARKING MINUTES that THE FARKING BUSES HVE BEEN RELOCATED TO AMK HUB THAT INTERCHANGE...WHT THE~....AND I HAVE TO WALK BACK ALL THE WAY AND HO COME NO ONE INFORM ME ABOUT IT?????????WHERE ON EARTH IS EVERYONE?????????????????????????????????????Reach home feeling farking irritated already nd i saw the whole wshing machine fulkl of laundry....what the hell..the farking washing machine would like tke more than an hour or rather nearly TWO HOURS to be done lar.....Why culdn't my mum juz turn it on yesterday before she left?at least when i reach home from work its all done and i don hve to wi so long and oi didn't wash them yesterday cox it's already very late..and i washed them tody and right now i'm still hanging the farking laundry...If hnging is on......THE FARKING CLOTHES ARE STILL FARKING SOAKING WET WHEN I TRIED TO DRY THEM ND THEY RE STILL DRIPPING ATER AFTER I HUNG SOME OF THEM UP ND I HAVE TO SQUEEZE OYT THE DAMN FRKING WATER OUT BUT IT'S STILL WET.....DON ASK ME WHY I'M STILL BLOGGING WHEN I SHOULD SETTLE THE CLOTHES FIRST...I JUST WNT TO FIND A PLCE TO VENT MY ANGER BEFORE I REALLY BLOW UP!!!AND I'M ALREADY DOWN WITH FLU AND COUGH WHICH MAKES THE WHOLE THING MUCH MUCH WORSE.....EVERY SUNDAY THE LAUNDRY BACKET WOULD BE FULL ND THERE'LL BE LIKE DONO HOW MANY TOWELS INSIDE..I JUZ DON UNDERSTAND WHY MUZ THEY USE SEPERATE TOWELS????CANNOT SHARE MEH??GO VIRUS AR????EVERY SUNDAY HAVE TO LOOK AT THE FULL LOAD I FARKING SIAN..RAH!!!!I'M SICK AND TIRED OF IT...REALLY....
I'm farking tired when i inally reach AMK....Only to realise after siting at the bus stop for MORE THAN 30 OVER FARKING MINUTES that THE FARKING BUSES HVE BEEN RELOCATED TO AMK HUB THAT INTERCHANGE...WHT THE~....AND I HAVE TO WALK BACK ALL THE WAY AND HO COME NO ONE INFORM ME ABOUT IT?????????WHERE ON EARTH IS EVERYONE?????????????????????????????????????Reach home feeling farking irritated already nd i saw the whole wshing machine fulkl of laundry....what the hell..the farking washing machine would like tke more than an hour or rather nearly TWO HOURS to be done lar.....Why culdn't my mum juz turn it on yesterday before she left?at least when i reach home from work its all done and i don hve to wi so long and oi didn't wash them yesterday cox it's already very late..and i washed them tody and right now i'm still hanging the farking laundry...If hnging is on......THE FARKING CLOTHES ARE STILL FARKING SOAKING WET WHEN I TRIED TO DRY THEM ND THEY RE STILL DRIPPING ATER AFTER I HUNG SOME OF THEM UP ND I HAVE TO SQUEEZE OYT THE DAMN FRKING WATER OUT BUT IT'S STILL WET.....DON ASK ME WHY I'M STILL BLOGGING WHEN I SHOULD SETTLE THE CLOTHES FIRST...I JUST WNT TO FIND A PLCE TO VENT MY ANGER BEFORE I REALLY BLOW UP!!!AND I'M ALREADY DOWN WITH FLU AND COUGH WHICH MAKES THE WHOLE THING MUCH MUCH WORSE.....EVERY SUNDAY THE LAUNDRY BACKET WOULD BE FULL ND THERE'LL BE LIKE DONO HOW MANY TOWELS INSIDE..I JUZ DON UNDERSTAND WHY MUZ THEY USE SEPERATE TOWELS????CANNOT SHARE MEH??GO VIRUS AR????EVERY SUNDAY HAVE TO LOOK AT THE FULL LOAD I FARKING SIAN..RAH!!!!I'M SICK AND TIRED OF IT...REALLY....
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