Friday, August 22, 2008

I wanna get new fragrances...
One to be exact..
Don't have the money to get too many..
Am thinking of getting something sweet but not too strong..
Am currently using Escada's Sunset Heat..
But it seems like it's finishing real soon..
I wonder how i used it...
Was late for work today but who cares..
No one was there..
And i doubt anyone woud even realise even if i were to decide not to turn up after all...
Spent most of my time doing Sudoku at the counter..
More time roaming around Bishan...
Bought a skirt at G2000 for $25..Usual was $49..
A white one that is..
Just for work..
Wonder why they need us to wear white skirt..
Duh...PAP ah...
Am thinking whether to get another one or not...
Den off i went to roam around somemore..
Went into SASA...
Tried a few perfumes.
I find F for fascinating by Ferragamo..
And Dream of Pink of Lacoste..
The better smelling ones..
It doesn't matter how long they've been out..
Which should i choose?
I needed something that can last longer..
But i realise it really depends on individual..
Not the brand of the fragrance..
Which should i get..
Shall get yuxin to help me check out the prices at DFS...
Off tml and sunday..
But i've got an intervew at 10 am tml morning..
After that...
I wonder should i go to Baby's house or go home first..
He's out tonight usual..
And i wonder if he could wake up tml...
Don wish to go to his house and face a sleeping buddha...
He's gonna get his shoes..
And me.
Just spend some time with him before my long work schedule starts..
He'll go "kao beh"..
As usual..
Darling...I'm just trying to earn a living..
And i don't see anything wrong with that...
Am i wrong?

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