Friday, August 01, 2008

Am PMS-ing all alone at the pantry now...
Feel that the class is too noisy and needed a quieter space...
Am so vexed and seriously need some accompany at this time..
He agreed to pick me up after school but now..
I'm not trying to show attitude but i really have no mood to even type in "haha" into the msgs...
I'm sorry for that..
But shouldn't u even understand how much i needed someone by my side now..
I wun grumble if i'm single now...
But i'm like attached and my bf is free..
For his sake i left out 2 of my working days to be with him..
And hardly ever only this once...
I'm running off right after presentation and not even staying for my UT..
We had wanted to watch movie later but i said i had stomach cramps...
All u said was then u just go home after this and i can go home too..
Hello...i like can only meet u like how many times a week...
And won't u even spend some time trying to coax ur pms-ing gf to mke her feel better?
All i ever need is hug and a few comforting words and that's all..
don't tell me u can't do it..
or can't even think of it...
Tml my work ends at 6..
I tot i could have u for the rest of the night and sunday...
Only to have u telling me that u r going out after that...
Friends jio u, u MUST go out meh?
Just because they never pang seh u before doesn't mean u have to oblige to them every time..
What is this?
I never stopped u from going out with your friends..
I don even mind u going clubbing with them without me with all the temptations around u..
This is like driving me nuts....
I just want a very simple relationship..
I dig out my time for u..
Y can't u do the same?
I'm feeling freakng down now...
and i hate this.
i wann go home and sleep till there's no tomorrow....
Can i?

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