Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Rambles of the day...

Life is short...That's what we always hear yea?
But how short is life??
Is living till the age of 99 years nearing to 100 still considered short?
I doubt so..A friend of mine(none other than ah min, could have guessed since my social circle is small..)lost her grandmother these few days...
Really hope she's taking it well...and i think she really will...
Nt too sure how old is her grandma when she passed on but i'm pretty sure she moved on being very fortunate...
I sometimes wonder...How will i take it if a deth is to come to my life anytime...Guess i won't be able to take it snce i have never faced with death of someone i know except for 16years ago...when my own cousin passed on..without me even knowing at tht time..
He was a hero..he could have survived but he died trying to save others from inside a gas tank..not too sure if the tank exploded or he passed on inhaling too much of the poisonous gas..
Shan't blog about it
Just hope that ah min will be fine..

Worked at RP these 2 days and tml is the last day i guess...went to Bugis alone after work to get some stockigs for y mum
and bought a pair of black jeans and a pair of black shoes meant for work..the jeans cost me 30 bucks..the skinny drainpipe type which was the trend..still ongoning but i think is dying soon...
Bought it not because its "trendy"..just felt that my black pants meant for work are all too long and they clean the floor for wherever place that i am at...which is like so eeeyer...and bought another pair of shoes..for 18 bucks hmm...a little worried that the shoes would "bite" me...

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