Saturday, April 14, 2007


Parents not in SIngapore, all alone at home...a chance to fool around and have fun?
Had him with me last nite at my home and suppose to have him with me tonight too...but i forgot about the whole thing and decided that maybe i'm better left ALONE...
I never liked the idea of being a loner though i have to admit i am one..but to have a wolf sleeping by my side is SERIOUSLY NOT AT ALL SAFE...Having to be alert in cse he pounce on me in the middle of the night...I have to admit that i am not at all attractive but he seems to enjoy pouncing on people...And his snores...liew...damn irritating..couldn't even sleep well..sp tonight..i'm all alone..
Don't know why i liked him so much and now..when i look at him, can't help but feel...can i say disgusted?...Have no idea why i could have felt this way...perhps i should really admit to him that i'm terrified of him...
Geez what am i saying..i'm nuts!?

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