Monday, January 29, 2007


Finally got back my lappy le~So happy...Ha ha ha...Acer de staff told me dat the hardware don't have 80GB de liaoso they use the 100GB one for me..ha ha~~i Zhuan dao lar~Hee..But sian lo...have to reinstall the VPN and VB...If not cannot connect internet in school...Plus this wed got UT...sian..haix...Think tml will have to spend the whole day at IT helpdesk liao lo....sian

Saw S.H.E at work at Taka last saturday...Went out for lunch about to send ah loong back to Paragon with Junli and Samantha when dono who call samantha and say S.H.E at our counter...They run back like siao la....And me like abnormal...walk damn slowly...ha me sort or wad..but i think it's no big deal's not that i don't like them la...But i not those "fen si"...macham worship's not like they have 3 heads and 6 limbs lo..ha ha...they are just...normal people with special careers...thats all!... ha ha...that day work till 6.30 went to have dinner with Sam and junli and den go home liao....My brother came back from Italy that day oso..poor thing sia..when we all are sleeping he's widely awake...still trying to adjust back to Singapore jetlag..poor thing..

Yst went Chinatown with my parents and third brother and his wife...Went to find my aunt and had free bak koot teh for dinner..ha ha...sorry to the customers who didn't get to eat thanks to us finishing the last few bowls of bak koot teh...hee...

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