Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Pardon me for being emo in most of my blog posts
I can't help it!
If u r thinking...
Is she nuts???
Outta her mind...
Is she still sane???
Can she give me a break??
Wan an answer???
I'll tell U...
I really am outta my mind....I'm no longer s sane as i use to be...And i'm getting more and more wierd everyday~!!~~
Don"t ask me why
I wun know how to answer u
Don't try to change me
Cox it wun do u any good
Whoever who is reading this post
Don laugh
I can sense someone laughing or even giggling
Calling me names

Okay...I'm getting nuttier now...Typing crap in this blank space trying to fill up my blog with posts and prevent ah min from asking me to keep updating my blog... :P Okay...Kiddin...Ha hax...Okay..Update u lo...
Like what ya know..I mer him last nite..Em... Considered late...11 plus...Em..In the car....Hugged and you-know-what-else-we-did inside....(Whoever who don't know please think straight...)We didn't do anything naughty....Pssed him his X'mas git....Pretty late gift...But is it my fault?...But anyway..Expected his reaction...Kinda regretted not getting him the shirt instead...Dumb dumb....He don't wear bracelets and i know that but still i got him one...It's kinda thin and i know that too...I'm thinking of topping up money and change to a thicker chain..but i wonder if he'll wear the thicker one...i would have to top up another 20 bucks to get a thicker one but..Hmm...If he wear it den it's okay..If he don't...I really don't know...He said he understand how i feel nd he'll try to change a little..But i don't know if he really mean it or can he change? He has been like that all he 2 years that i have known him...Okay..I admit..I'm truly, madly in love with him, and i don't even know why?.... He did ask me when i'll go to JB with him again....Hmm..Wan to but at the same time..Scared...And i don feel good putting up at another person's house. If the house belongs to someone i know, i wun feel that bad..But i'm like putting up at his landlord's house and i din even pay rent la...The rent he paid was for himself but me? I'm staying for free...Feels wierd since they are someone i don't know..But after that day, i find that they are actually quite nice...How many landlords in this world, or rather in Singapore would allow their tenants to bring back some stranger and plus...I'm a girl and he..a man...a man and a girl in a room..Hmm..Maybe Malaysians are more open to having a guy and a girl sharing a room. It was nice playing with the couple's dog... FaFa..Kinda miss that dog..Hee...Though she's naughty but she's quite a nice pooch...She considered pretty from what me and him de point of view... Oh shit...I'm missing a bitch....Hmm...Wanna change my blogskin..but can't find any..Anyoe knows how to make a skin???Teach me??Hee~But be prepared to vomit blood... :)


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