Sunday, January 14, 2007


I wonder if her menopause is coming too early...Fancy picking a fight over a trivial matter…I’m talking bout my brother and sis-in-law…A simple thing like no one realizing that her son had those tiny bits of crackers on the floor can make them quarrel…I don’t know if my brother is actually standing up for me or himself…But seriously, if I were him, I might have asked for a divorced already…That cracker incident happened this morning…I was like WTF…Sometimes I feel that she is a bad wife…It’s not about her not loving my brother or what…I can tell she loves him…But…I don’t think she realized that a man’s ego is important to him…To her, everything she does is right…And what we do is always wrong…U make my brother look like n idiot do you realize it? U love your son more than anyone else…EVERYONE can tell that…And stop complaining that we don’t love your son just like how we love your daughter…It’s not that…But…Argh…Think about it yourself la idiot…I’m feel so fucked-up blogging about her…But I can’t help it…She thinks that we are all idiots…We don’t have brains…Hello…We can think…If not for the sake of my brother…My parents…And myself…That stupid shelter…I wouldn’t have put up with you…Look…I’m going crazy in this so called home…Which I don’t feel anything like a HOME…I hate the feeling here….I seriously hate it…Sometimes how I wished that things could go back to maybe 10years ago?Or I should have been born 10years earlier…Then…My parents wouldn’t have to put up with her…Perhaps I could have introduced a much better woman…A woman more worthy of his love…To my brother….Although I’m the younger one...But I do feel saying for my brother…She’s not worth his love…He my not be very capable…He may not be rich…But he’s a good man…I don’t want my brother to be unhappy…My mum bring up 4 kids…And she could say something that sounds like she knows more about bringing up kids as compared to my mum…I think even her own mum cannot stand her…But…Like mother like daughter…I believe her mother was like that too…I’m so much happier without her around…And whenever she’s around… I tend to always be out of her way…It’s not because I am afraid of her…And I’m trying to spoil her image or her reputation here…I swear I’m telling the truth…The things that I see…I feel…

For some reason…I regretted not going to work today…And I don’t even know that I HAVE to work to day…According to the schedule I received, I am working only TML…and Tuesday…So why did she not inform me that I have to work tml…Forgot??? I don’t think so…I seriously hope that she didn’t do it on purpose...I need money…That’s for sure….I need another job…I will consider and there’s a high possibility that I will take on the job…If there’s one coming in… Don’t ask me to get money from my bf…He himself is broke…He didn’t pay his phone bills and his line is cut…But the good thing is that I can still call him…But he can’t reply…But at least he bothered to call me and inform me…In case I start to throw tantrums again…

I hope my pay comes in today…I’m so so so so broke…Left with only 16 bucks with that 10bucks needing to top up my ez-link…That means I’m left with only 6 bucks…And I owe people like erm…300 bucks?...Yes…I’m pathetic…But I can only accept my fate and my luck…Luck hasn’t been good…And from some show…The horoscope thingy…My luck will be very bad this year…And it’s like the horoscope with the worst luck out of the twelve…Now is like only the beginning of the year...I hope it goes fast…And I want to leave this so-called home…FAST...

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