Thursday, October 09, 2008

Sometimes i just wish to get out of the house sooner..
Told baby just now and his reply...
Get married lol...
Haiz..Do you see marriage as a game?
I'm seriously wondering..
If i were to get pregnant..
Should i just keep the baby and get married?
Or should i get it out and move on with life...
Jerlyn's R.O.M tml..
Wonder when would be mine...
Don't laugh..
It's normal for girl to want to get married..
Though i've always said i don't mind being left on the shelf..
But it's still a girl's dream...
Just wanted more time for him..
Why do you have to restrict me..
I'm old enough to think..
I'm 20..
not 12...
I know what's right and what's wrong...
I know what i'm doing...
You said as long as i'm happy..
It's okay...
Now you telling me this shit..
Giving me this kind of attitudes...
Have you got any idea that would make me want to even more leave this house...
Just give me a break..

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