Friday, October 31, 2008

Blah Blah

In 15 hours in should in the room along with a few other girls facing a small challenge in life...
Or a big one to some others.. :)
A little jittery now...
It's either a straight route or another ambigious route after today....
My baby just called and said he regretted asking me to try..
And asked if i could don't go for the interview..
My answer: Can i say no?
Not that i want this job more than i want a life with him..
But if i don't go, i might really regret in future...
Think of the money..
Think of the experiences..
Think...What kind of job would pay you to see the world?
Though i think i'd most likely not get through even the first phase...
But...Haiz...Just a try darling..
Don't get in and i'll just accept it as i'm not fated to be in that line..
Should go to sleep already..
Or i'd really look like a zombie tomorrow..
Wish me luck and to Kah Mun too.. *Winkx

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