Friday, July 13, 2007

Pretty tired these days...
3 consecutive days...
Middle of the nite kena *vibrated* ...
By him..
Won't deny a little hao gan towards him..
Izit necessary to sms in the middle of the nite telling me tt he knock off already.
Dono wad is he thinkng about...
don wish to think too much lest i misinterpret again...
He suddenly contact me again today saying that he did sms me and call me but i never reply or on my phone...
Now he knows how i use to feel for the past few yers eh..
An eye for an eye...
tired tired tired...
ppl de prob i have to get involved...
somemore is relationship problems..
which has like ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do with me..
I thank them for trusting my *ears* but it's a little too much ler..
Even though that's the only thing i could do for them...
Refuse to take any call today...
Really tired ler..
Went to school and never do anything..
My team of 4 today, only 2 of us turned up and we have to split up...
I'm really tired..................................................

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