Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Just another day in school
Got UT~~~~~~
Seriously don't know what is going on in class today~
Cox i wasn't here last week~
Presntation and i'm blogging~
Wonder if that ah di faci will down grade me~
Boring lesson we had today~~

UT die liao~
I dono anything thogh i haven't even seen the questions~
but i think...凶多吉少~
Throat damn pain~
Dono how to sing later...
Going Kbox with Junli,Ah loong, Caroline and junli de fren whom i dono who~
Cham ar~
Pain Pain

Looking forward to ah min's birthday~
Go out with the crazy girls...
Only with them can i really be my crazy self~
If someone were to ask me who my best friends are~
They are none other than that bunch of siao char bors~
UT UT...Die Die...

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