Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Prawn Prawn...

Went Prawning with Baby at Pasir Ris Park yesterday..
$39 for 3hours+1 hour
2 person took that package and shared the 4 hours...
2 hours each...
Spent $40
We brought home 4 pathetic prawns
Cooked them in hua tiao chew..
And makan...
He was smiling cause he got he first catch...
A prawn head...
He was happy..
He caught 2 live prawns..
And me..
Caught one whole dead prawn and a clam shell..
Dono is prawn catch us or we catch prawns..
But was fun..

P/s: Tiffs are bound to exist in a relationship... But i wonder if the tiffs we are having are getting bigger...Like the misunderstanding last night...And i realise that was how much you trusted me...And it hurts me..Deep..

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