Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy New Year to everyone...
May all get many many ang paos......

My 21st....
Thanks to all the well wishes for my birthday...
Be it on facebook, friendster or face to face...
Thanks Yuxin,Huiwen, Edmund and Yuxin's parents for the dinner....
At Jumbo....
Thanks Mummy, Daddy and Bro for their ang paos...
Thanks My sis in law for the set of bangle,necklace and earring....
Thanks Jon's mum for the phone...

Thanks Jerlyn,Sebastian,Huizi,Yu min and Suhaili for the Chomel Necklace and Earring...
Thanks Tong Tong and Dino for the eye shadow...
Thanks Jon for spending the day with me....

Thank you for remembering.... :)

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