Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy 2009

Another year gone~~~

Happy 2009..

I sure hope it'd be good...

2008 had been a bad year for most people i suppose..

Though i doubt 2009 will be any much better thanks to the recession..

But i'll still pin a little hope on it.. :)

My New Year Resolutions for Year 2009

  1. Find a job...(cause i'm graduating soon!!YEAH!)

  2. Be a better girlfriend...

  3. Help Baby's mummy change him... (I wonder)

  4. Boy boy be a good boy...Don't start biting people...

  5. Clear my debts

  6. Save more money

  7. A multi purpose bag? A longchamp one perhaps..Cheaper..

  8. Love my Baby and our Boy boy more than ever (:P)

Baby and my kor kor's birthday just passed..
Conicidently their birthday's happens to be one day after the other..
And me and my kor kor's chinese birthday happen to be on the same day as Baby's birthday..
Baby's chalet was..
Something nearly happened..
But i'm glad that it was stopped in time..

New year's Eve was spent celebrating my kor kor's birthday..
And then head to Boat Quay to meet Aloy and gang...
I was erm...
And i fertilised the plants at Baby's condo...
His mummy was surprised that he came home so early that day..
Of course...
It was all thanks to me..
Baby is suppose to stay home for the next 3 months at least...
No more drinking for this period of time.. :)
Save money..
To support me.. Kekeke~ :P

My 21st like coming soon..
And i've got like..
No plans at all..
Sian ah...
Everyone is asking me to celebrate i simply have no idea what to do..
And seriously..
Don't feel like doing anything...
It's just another normal day isn't it?
We'll see how when the day comes....

Love of my life...

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