Monday, August 13, 2007

Oh well..
I ended up going for really a drink with Chu Xiang that saturday night..
And he gve his first time to me..
Not THAT first time but his virgin trip to st james...
I wasn't the one who chose the location though...
He chose it...
Had wanted to go with the girls instead but ended up only Dino nd Ah min are free..
Forget it..
Another time perhaps..
Was a little wierd since we never relly talked much to eac other during our secondry school days..
It was only after a camp in our upper secondary years that we started talking..
That night was seriously the first time we went out together..
Went to Peppermint park AGAIN..
One reason was because that was the only bar i know there and partly..
I jst wanted to see him..
Didn't relaly see him..
Think i caught a glimpse of him..
Notrelly clear though..
I admit..
I forgot how he looked like already..
And i doubt he remembers my looks either..
That night we met chu xing's cousin and shehad free tickets to powerhouse..
We went in...
Walked one round and walked out...
We made it just in time for me to catch the last train home and him..
Not so heng...Last bus gone..
There are good and bad sides to things that happen though..
Though he lost his bus, he gained a free ride home from his cousin..
I left for home without getting a good look at him again..
That very night i couldn't really sleep though i drank alcohol...
Did i put him off from my answer to that whatever question he thought i was going to ask? Or did the other answer of him treating me dinner put him off instead.
Whtever it was...
Think it's end of story...
If things go on well..
We could well just remain as very very very normal friends for the rest of our lives....
If it doesn't..
That marks the end of our so-called "friendship"?!

Informed Vampire about me not working for the time being for her..
Don't sk me why i didn't just quit...
Use ur brains a little and 'll know..
Still don't get it?
I just want to leave another alternative route for myself in case the whichever new job i would be taking up fails...

Didn't go to school today..
Be a nanny for a day..
CAn really vomit blood...
Kids nowadays..


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