Monday, August 06, 2007

Am rotting in class AGAIN..
Apparently i'm sick of almost everything in my life...
I wanna change my job...AWY from taka..
But i'm doing my PP on PT...
I'm getting sick of schooll..
Or rather i had never liked school...
But i'm simply helpless...
Could only continue going to school till i graduate...
Sick of my LOVE LIFE..
Full of nothing but trouble..
Complicated matters..
Sick of my LIFE..
Find it quite meaNingless...
Wonder why i live for..
Wonder how i SURVIVE these 19years...
I wonder..

""I wished for someone to love and care for me...
But what did i get?
Well..I have friends..
But cn't always expect them to be there..
Friends have their own life too..
I just hope for that someone to appear really soon.."

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