Saturday, March 31, 2007


People change as they grow older don't they...

Was browsing through some of my secondary school...can i say friends???..Well, just put them as school mates...All of us are already over 18...some like me...19...Some changed from the nerdy geeks holding on to their pure Biology textbooks to frequent me...not changed much as in our lives...for me...i'm still the same old me...having the same old boring life i always had...some people might say..."Why don't you get some friends and go out...maybe even go out of singapore??Will you please get a life??"...and i think this person might mean...get a lively life...i admit that my life is boring but i couldn't help...being a person who can be so unpredictable when one moment i can be laughing and joking like nobody's business but the next minute, i could be standing at one corner keeping to myself...that explains why my social circle is so small..

the verdict?...


Not a clubber not because i'm not allowed's just i didn't like it...don't mind the loud music..don't mind the guys dancing with me...but i just don't like it when i can't release myself even in such situation..and i dread going to lose my temper when people start making me irritated especially the 2 hours before daybreak...thanks to me depriving of sleep...

I seriously need to join an IG..seriously i'm considering joining Jive back..but i wonder what would janice do if she see me..and what about the people???i guess there's a whole lot of pople being changed...or rather me...shall update tml if i have the time..ciaoz...

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