Tuesday, September 23, 2008

1 whole week without updates..
I've got nth to update~
My life is Boring..
I realised i'm having this phobia towards my Retail Logistics Facilitator..
Like OH MY GOD..
For the first time in my life of 20 freaking years..
I developed a phobia towards a "teacher"???!!!!
Sounds ridiculous..
But it's true..
PErhaps it's the wy that old man stresses people..
Scary old man we have there...
Am NOT looking forward to Mondays....
I AM looking forward to the END OF THE SEMESTER...
which is like still 13 weeks away...
Someone please tell me school hasn't just started like 3 weeks ago?
Am meeting my Baby after school tml since he's booking out...
Poor him...
Duty after Duty after Duty....
Not enough rest..
He have better not fall sick again..
Else this time i'll really collapse...
Meet him tml and let him rest on Thursday...
Shall go out with Daniel an the peeps instead then..
For Dan's birthday...
can i have my pay...
i'm fucking broke..

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