Thursday, February 15, 2007


I so so so cannot than her liao...Today Ma and Wee talk on the phone talk till ma so agitated and cried... Complained to Hwee and his lao po...
Sounds stupid but i really need to say it out...Really cannot tahan liao...She realy going overboard...Though i find that moving to Serangoon may
be more bu fang bian for me but heck lar...All i want to is get out of this house fast..Don wan see her again...At least i wun see her everyday and my
parents will feel much better...At least papas depression condition will get better and ma won feel so stressed...As for me...I wun be so emo most of
the time and i wun just suddenly become so emo for no reson to him...I find myself getting more and more abnormal day by day...In short...I'm CRAZY...

Now watching "Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu"..Ha ha...Addicted to the show liao..Haha..Or rather...Addicted to Wu Chun...
HaHa...Can i change my boyfriend to him? :P I really am crazy liao...But i find him really cute!And he's got the height!Plus!His age.. :P ...Now only got Ep1 to 10...
Still muz "cop" from Han Keat or someone who have the remaining 5 Eps...Shit sia...How long do i have to wait..Ha ha..Now i prefer Wu Chun to him liao..Someone tell me what to do?Ha ha!
Ellla and Wu Chun are so cute lar...he way they behave in the show...Haha...Would be good if they relly are an item...Haha
OOO...He's so cute.. :P

Lonely Valentines Day....Bought him a pair of boxers which can like measure his "toots!" when he erm..Steam... *SHY*..Ha ha..Yu Xin bought the same thing for his ah lao...
Hope he'll wear it though...Scared that the size is wrong..Might be too big for him...L size..Hmm...

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