Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Okay..dodging flies..sounds funny huh..but true enough i dodged three of them today...One when i step out of the house, another when i step out of the lift and the last one when i was walking towards the lrt station...it's kinda of wierd ...as in...why did these 3 flies fly towards me when they know i'm an "obstacle"??They were practically dashing towards me...and i had to dodge....can't afford to do another sin...too sinful...don wanna go to hell when i die...hahaha....okay..i'm lame....hopefully tml my lappy wo't die on me again...dowloadd VPN and UT client...these 2 are the more impt ons i guess and the rest...i don think it's neessary..but i hope i didn't forget..or rather not download something which i need but i'm not aware of...Science UT3 got an E...shit..tml's Science too and i hope i'll pass...At least a D i hope since my grades to my previous 2 UTs are B+ and C which i think is still not too bad for a person like me...Okie...Nuf Said....

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