Monday, December 04, 2006

la la la~

So very the sian in class now...Having Maths usual..don understand a thing and not doing anything...
And not that i don wan to do nothing it's just that i really dono how to do... Sian...Tml last day of sch.Damn sian... Cognitive..Definitly not coming to school tml..heard its quite hard...Wednesday starting work at
JTC... Winx club kicked me out of paragon for dono wad stupid reason...Heng still gt another job lobang.. If not holiday month stay at hm and rot...Hope dat JTC wun b a bad place to survive..But for the sake of my 6.50 an hr... Bite my tongue and bear with everything...Last saturday amazing race was...erm,....Tirig..Can't think of a more suitable word to describe..I crawled my way home dat nite..and seriously if any organiser of the mazing race from Cyrvia Club sees this post..Plz feedback dat if u guys were to ever organize another one...Decrease the number of stations...13 stations is like..duh~~ So much for biting the "unpeeeled" sugarcane till i tink i bleed... and digging the sand at sembawang beach and find the letters to form a team mates name in FULL...Den to Lower seletar reservoir and i touched frog's pee and shit and for goodness sake couldn't u guys have removed the dead frogs frm the container...I don mind the pee and shit but dead frogs...Eww...The very last stop we went to was East Coast Park hich is like so god damn out of the way from my house...Before the last stop was Kallang..Though didn't complete ll the stations, but i was farking tired..All these just for 2NDA points..Freak sia..Y the school nid us to fulfil 40 pts in all to graduate wan....Rah~~€ Last thurday culture went to Fullerton hotel...Shall upload some pics...LATER....hee..I'm crazy...

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