Saturday, December 30, 2006

30 DEC'06.....

Okay...As ah min hab instructed,updating my blog NOW...The 2nd last day of the year 2006..... Thinking of my new year's resolution for 2007...Have been thinking about resolutions for the past erm...18yrs?..and have never ever thought of anything..which means...not a single resolutions for the past 18years....Sad...Countown to my next birthday..My 19th birthday...Which is 23 1/2 days away..Birthdays to me are no longer special since i was erm..10??? Seems like the saying that as people grow up,birthdays become of no special meaning to them...My past 2 birthdays...17th & 18th...had been quite erm "sad"..can i say that?...Working on my birthday..Or worse...Not having the special someone to spend my birthday with..Thanks to him for not even realising it....And realising that my birthday falls on January only this month...Like thanks for asking "how do u wan me to celebrate ur birthday with u?"....Only to have me answering, "it's just like any other day anyway...And we'll talk abt it if only u r free.."...And thank you for that buay song look....Seriously..Can u think over it...I had hoped for u to even just remember my birthday..even a simple happy birthday msg is good enough to make me happy....Do u even realise that i no longer pin hopes on u...Love u or not is not the issue....The whole world knows i love u too much to let go unless U choose to let go....The issue now is...What do u even see me as?.... Haiz.....Whatever it is...i just hope that i wun have to cry during my next birthday....Oh...I do feel happy and i am touched that u brought me to Malaysia....But it's not like the first day u know me that i don't talk much and iu wun die not talking the whole day....To me..having ur company is good u...i don't know...Tink u went broke just bring me to malaysia...the nite at ur hm in JB..seriously..was quite alright..the bed was small..yes...but i am comfortable....jus dat m not like u...once u lie down u habit of turning around woke u up dono how many times and i'm sorry for that...The few hours at Genting was erm...hmm....dono how to say....the bed is big that i don feel safe...but i slept cuz i was too tired because....u know wad u did..........n i seriously hope it wun happen again anytime now....u r growing really thin and going to be much much smaller size thn me..plz...juz fatten up??For the sake of hw people will lokk at us and ur health...skipping meals just because u r busy r atter how busy u r...u have to eat....haix....

Went to MOS with yuxin and huiwen and her frens and STELLA!!!! The thought of her mkes me want to laugh...Hahas....Erm...hmm

though i went clubbing like only once before the one on the 27thDec...But i have never seen anyone wearing erm..Mickey mouse blouse,mickey mouse skirt,mickey mouse earrings and okay sneakers to club...Sneakers yes..but the rest? Oh my~~~ha ha... First time clubbing...Yes i know...but must she wear till like she's going to the..erm.library??? And..oh..she mde a big fuss just because some guy hit her butt she times...And i din even say anything even though some guy...whom i figure out is erm..not very tall...hugged me...and with his leg rubbing against me...Helo~~~U shld have expected that when u went in shldn't u..I tink it's no big deal...The whole night..i was her pole..YES,Stella's pole...As she "dirty danced"...which i tinkis not dirty at all and seriously failed to make me high...And i caught some guys behind her seeing what she did and wanted to laugh but tried not to...can tell they r trying hard to stop themselves from laughing...They were so busy trying to "squash" yu xin and her fren and they 2 guys behind both the gers...damn freking obvious..but i did point trying to stop them from doing so and getting into trouble and be so anti-climax....haix..the whole night i was only shaking away..and unable to make myself high..which everyone ard me succeeded and i did not....shld have drunk more alcohol huh...i was god damn bored the whole nite...oh..and i heard from stella that some cuckoo guys that she ASSUME that they thought we were lesbians and took photos of us TWICE and were laughing..Erm...To that guy who took photos..If u really ASSUME as Stalla had ASSUME u to be ASSUMING that we ARE lesbians...Plz find a wall and bang urself against it.... Even if i were a lesbian..Stella will NEVER be my type....NEVER as in N-E-V-
E-R...Geddit......god.. Sch statin gon wedesday...there goes my holiday..heng still gt go m'sai wib trip to m'sia wib my own family was canceled thanks to the flood....rah~hope the monsoon season goes by fats....and stop flooding people's homes for goodness sake...........
NUF SAID......

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