Sunday, June 03, 2007

2nd June 2007

So fast huh...june liao...I ki siao liao...
Holidays already...Had been working for the past few days...Didn't have the mood on the last day of school...Don't know why...
Haven't been in a good mood lately either...Similarly..I don't know why either...

I need a break...A break from the whole world perhaps...
Not being emo just wanting to take breather..
I'm roke...Totally broke and my pay(S) are still no where to be seen...
My bank accounts are empty andi'm left with only 30 bucks in my pocket..
I've seen the worse...
Had treid going hungry for the whole day without a cent in my pocket when i was younger...Though i'm not old now..
The whole process was horrible..
The hours spent with my stomach growling and can only bear with it and hope that it wouldn't growl too loudly...
I'm crazy already..
Blogging crap..
Think i'm deprived of love...I mean the love as in relationships..
Thought i wouldn't need a man..
I DO need a man...And i'm not desperate..PLEASE...

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