Friday, June 29, 2007

29th June 2007

I have better update before my ah min complains tht my blog is dead
Not like nyone cares about it!...
Ha ha
Set a new "target" lately..
Not sort of a target..seriously..
Feelings are there...
Well...At least i know i have some for him...
Daily SMSes...
Chats over the phone...
I don't know why..
I haven't been able to laugh so happily talking to someone...
or rather a guy on the phone for a FREAKING long time!
I admit i very the HUA CHI~
But can't help it~
I'm always like that!?
Changed my blog skin~Think it sits my character..
Though i never dress like one..
Dresse all black and white but just without the make-up on~ :P

Tong tong happily in love~
Happy for her~
Hope everything would go really well for her
As for ah min..
I rather u think about nother guy instead of me, than u thnk of HIM~
U know who~
I care for you~
And you know that~:)
I guess....
Sunday celebrating for ah pian her birthday
Hope she'll be happy~
Shall go to bed liao~
finlly a night without my phone beside me~
Easier sleep tonight~
Cox my pretty boy is really tired today and went to bed already
No sms-ing till after midnight today~
Can see him tml~
But i doubt i want to turn up at the stall~

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Just another day...

Finally can rest at home tomorrow....Didn't have a great day yesterday..seriously...
Supposed to work morning shift nd could have gone home at 6.30 pm...but thanks to that fVcking old hag..i had to work FULL....
The good news...I can earn more money...
The bad news...
I was fvcking tired and kena shoot dono how many times the whole day...
Early in the morning.. step in coz i'm a little late...And how late??...The music for morning breifeing had just started...
Here comes...After the damn briefing which i don't know why we have to make it a point to do every morning...
Back to my counter...SELINA..asked me "Why are you wearing these shoes...."and she meant my seakers which i had been wearing for the past month and nol one has said anything about it and sheherself say it a whole lot of times...
That is still alright..
Next comes Jimmy...
Whom i don't know why...He have to make a bog fuss out of EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN!!!
Had worn a brown jacket the last time he told me off..And i was like fine..
Okay..against the fault...won't wear it then..
$Then YESTERDAY...He told me that "NO WHITE ALLOWED"..
JEN was telling me about something else about the damn Jimmy and now he have to shoot me..
What the hell lar...Hello..Jimmy..I think i work longer there than you lar...
I got fed up and said "FINE>>DON'T WEAR LAR!!"took it the cupboard, htrew it in and slam the damn cupboard...
SOmehow heard him say something about me..
3 yers already..all these 3 years i have NEVER showed my temper at ny of the RM or RAs...He's like the first...Freak siak!!!
Next..comes the FVCKING cashier...Don't let us keep carriers at the counter..FINE!...We shal write it on the sales chit with a pen indicating what type of carrier we want and for them to give it to the customers...But time and time..customers came back EMPTY HANDED....can u imagine we are already busy and we have to walk there and they give us the CHEESEBUN face when we ask for it...Finally..Fionand i approached the cashier and told her politely..."We wrote it here and carrier wasn't given to the customer"....what we got from her was"I wasn't me who did it.."using a FVCKING tone to reply us...TOTALLY PISSED OFF..i can say...BOTH OF US...complained to chan when he saw us writing in 3 languages on the sales chit with a marker....and guess what..lter that night...FVCKING SELINA CAME TO OUR COUNTER AND GIVE ME THAT CHEESEBUN LOOK AND TOLD US THAT IT WAS DAMN UGLY AND DON'T WRITE IT LIKE THAT ON THE SALES CHIT..HELLO....IT WAS YOU ALL..THE CASHIERS WHO ARE BLIND AND WE ASSUME U CAN'T READ...AFRAID THAT U DON'T UNDERSTAND..THAT'S Y WE WROTE IN 3 LANGUAGES AND USING A MARKER..WHAT THE HELL!!!!!
WHAT makes me more fed up is that today....FION told me that MR CHAN siad that it wasn't nice..HELLO UNCLE...U SAW US WRITING AND YOU DIDN'T STOP US ON THE SPOT..WHAT IS THIS..YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT WHAT WE WROTE WERE MEANT FOR THE CASHIERS...WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Today though...can be considered better...only at night though...Sam came with her cousin and she got a new name...not one though..."saddam...shui mu..."and i can't rmb the last one..was really funny..."four-eye shit!"ha ha...
Off to bed...

Sunday, June 03, 2007

2nd June 2007

So fast huh...june liao...I ki siao liao...
Holidays already...Had been working for the past few days...Didn't have the mood on the last day of school...Don't know why...
Haven't been in a good mood lately either...Similarly..I don't know why either...

I need a break...A break from the whole world perhaps...
Not being emo just wanting to take breather..
I'm roke...Totally broke and my pay(S) are still no where to be seen...
My bank accounts are empty andi'm left with only 30 bucks in my pocket..
I've seen the worse...
Had treid going hungry for the whole day without a cent in my pocket when i was younger...Though i'm not old now..
The whole process was horrible..
The hours spent with my stomach growling and can only bear with it and hope that it wouldn't growl too loudly...
I'm crazy already..
Blogging crap..
Think i'm deprived of love...I mean the love as in relationships..
Thought i wouldn't need a man..
I DO need a man...And i'm not desperate..PLEASE...