Friday, February 20, 2009


Gave the one today that i was supposed to go up...
Call me crazy..
Call me stupid...
That's true what..
Am going to one this coming monday..
Honestly i hope that one get through...
It's a German 3PL Company..
As much as i hated..
I don't mind getting into one that is willing to teach me from SCRATCH..
The lady that called me up was from a HR agency..
And she laughed at me(not sarcastically thankfully) when i told her i haven't heard of that company before...
What's wrong la...
Study logistics never hear a particular company before...
Very farney meh?!
I didn't know why..
Till i told my dad about the soon to come interview..
Then my dad told me...
It's one of the largest logistics company in the world and the biggest in Germany..
I was stumped...
My mouth was opened damn big I SWEAR..
whole swarm of flies can go in...
Hopefully i can get in...
Have to do my "homework" before going to the interview..
Hopefully i won't flunk it like what i have done to my previous interviews...
Better find time to go to some temple to pray...
"Last minute hug buddha's leg"
True lar..
But pray at least more am xim ma...
Tio bo? Tio....

Boy go fishing tonight..
What am i to do to past time..
Wanted to go with Pi Gu and the other girls to check out Zirca tonight..
He told me to wait for him...
I got fed up
And i decided not to go at all..
That's how dirty my temper is..
*P/S: Dirty temper may not mean a very fiery temper although i can get fiery too..
Shall STOP going to all these places altogether...
At least for one month...
Save money..
Save my sleep...Zz...
Healthier lifestyle...*Don't Puui....
What am i doing at home on a friday...
Nothing to do..
Bo Liao lar..
But can pass time..
Don see me chor lor cannot do needlework hor..
Mai siao siao...


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